b a c k Laurie Lacey's Wild World of Plants


Populus L. (several varieties)

Certain types of poplar are very common in parts of Atlantic Canada, often growing along roadsides, at the edge of fields, or on old abandoned fields. A primary characteristic of poplars is that they produce catkins in early spring and mature their seeds before the leaves are completely expanded.

The inner bark of the poplars was used by the Micmac to treat colds and influenza. It was steeped in water (probably for about ten to fifteen minutes)and taken internally as a tea.

As well, it is interesting to note that the bark was used to treat worms in animals. It was baked until brown, made into a powder, which was then mixed with animal food.

The poplars are well-known medicine trees in many Native cultures and have been used for a wide variety of purposes. They are very important in the overall picture of North American ethnobotany practices.

Laurie Lacey is not responsible for the misuse of information presented on this homepage (for example, the incorrect prepartion and usage of teas and medicines given herein.) The use of recipes for medicines and teas from this page is strictly the responsibility of each individual.